Unit 3 - Energy & States of Matter Part 2

Instructional Goals

1. Relate observations regarding the addition of energy by warming to increased particle motion.

2. Describe the characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases in terms of particles and their:


¤use particle diagrams to account for motion and density differences

¤describe the process of how the arrangement of matter particles changes during phase changes


¤infer the necessity of an attractive force between particles at close range from observations of dfferences in cohesiveness of the three phases


¤describe and contrast particle motion in the three phases singly, and during phase changes.

3.  Recognize energy as a conserved, substance-like quantity that is always involved when a system undrgoes change.

4.  Recognize that energy is stored in an object or system in several ways

5.  Describe the ways that energy is transferred between the system and the surrounding.

  6.  Draw energy bar graphs to account for energy storage and transfer.

7.  Given a heating/cooling curve for a substance, identify what phase(s) is/are present in the various portions of the curve, and identity the melting and freezing temperatures of the substance.


Unit 3 Documents 

Reading: Energy & Kinetic Molecular Theory

Energy & KMT Reading WS

Icy Hot Lab Guide

Icy Hot Lab Example

Unit 3 WS 1 Energy LOL Diagrams

Unit 3 WS 2 Energy LOL Diagrams

Unit 3 Reading: Energy and Heating/Cooling

Unit 3 WS 3 Quantitative Energy Problems Part 1

Unit 3 WS 4 Quantitative Energy Problems Part 2

Unit 3 Review WS

Energy Calculation Notes